Gauss’s Elegant Solution
Converting Fractions to Decimals
Squares & Square Roots
The Language of Math
Multiplying & Dividing Integers
Adding & Subtracting Integers
Multiplication of 10, 11 & 12 Timestables
Multiplication up to 9×9 Timestables
Ambiguous Case (for Sine Law)
**Just note that in class, I taught the Ambiguous case with the bottom left corner of the triangle as “A”, bottom right corner as “B” and the top corner as “C”. For these same corners, the videos below use “B”, “C”, “A”. Take a look at the java applet below. You may need to drag […]
Leeman, how do I do this: If a student clicks on “Math 10”, I want it to bring up a page of possible links to go to: 1) Chapter 1: Measurement 2) Chapter 2: Trigonometry 3) Chapter 3 : etc 7) Discussions So when they click on “chapter 1: measurement” it will bring up a […]